Led by the Holy Spirit,
two brothers in Christ saw a
real need for a bilingual site, both English and Spanish, focused
on Bible Prophecy as related to world views and events in these
end times.
REV1910 is the resulting effort
of these two brothers, for
God's Honor and Glory.
The name REV1910 refers to
the Bible verse in Rev 19:10,
"...for the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy".
This is our Mission Statement.
Our Mission is three-fold:
The Day of Christ approaches (Luke 21:28, Heb 10:25).
The time to act before that day arrives is quickly fading.
Our prayer is that this website serves to encourage Christians to
re-dedicate their lives to Chist and fulfill the Great Commission while time remains to do so.
We also hope that this site will
serve as a warning to those
without Christ so that they may accept Him and His Salvation while the opportunity still exists. (2 Pet 3:10)